Pedagogical Documentation

Pedagogical commitment: “I commit to providing a safe and caring environment where children are free to express themselves without judgment.”

Throughout my three practicums, I have brought forward two different pedagogical documentation. During practicum number two, my center focused on Safe Spaces. During my third, I noticed an interest in bugs amongst the children. Therefore I am bringing forward materials surrounding that interest, and I will continue to bring materials and ideas forward to see where it leads us.

In my last practicum, our bug interest gradually worked its way into conversations around kindness. Here is how we show that in my program. We co-created the branch as I allowed the children to collaboratively paint it, the other choices the children got to make surrounding this documentation were the color of paper, paint, and which hand they wanted to be done. Something that stood out to me was when a child told me that I needed to put my handprint on our branch as well. This showed me that the children have been truly listening and taking in our conversation surrounding being kind at daycare.

Painting our stick!