Week 1 – 4:
My first practicum was quite short. I used this time to build relationships and trust with the children in my center and to learn the processes and flows of the day.
Week 5:
The second practicum has given me a chance to be more hands-on when guiding the children, I’ve learned so many techniques through my mentor that I am seeing work when I put them into practice.
Week 6:
This was a great week, the cold weather has allowed me to see how the different outdoor gear can affect children during transitions.
Week 7:
I feel like I am learning so much from these kids every single day. I love learning what interests them and trying to bring new things to switch things up. For example, the activity in the photos below. ZI would have never thought to do this, but it fascinated me how interested they were in it, and how many different ways they played with it.
Week 8:
Construction has been happening down the street from us. When we take our afternoon walkers, we always stop and watch for a while!